Procedures & Fines

The City of Wells Municipal Court docket is the court schedule.

Notices will be mailed to the defendant's address on file. The defendant's names must appear on the docket before the judge. 

Contact the court if you have not received your notice to appear before the court. 

The defendant are responsible for updating their mailing address with the court. 

Defendants should appear at the court at least 15 minutes before the hearing.

Due to limited courtroom seating, only the defendant is allowed during the hearing. This rule doesn't apply to minors (under the age of 18) that must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Defendants with an attorney are exempt from this rule. 

Defendants will be expected to adhere to the court procedures and protocol at all times, including proper attire. The use of profanity is strictly prohibited in the courtroom and hallway.

All mobile devices must be silenced while in the courtroom. Photography and video recordings are prohibited. No food or drink will be allowed in the courtroom at any time.

No weapons are allowed in the courthouse pursuant to Sections 30.06 & 30.07 of the Texas Penal Code. 

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