Public Information Request
The City of Wells provides the following ways for you to submit your public information request.
Hand Delivery or Mail
You may request open records from the City Hall by sending in a certified open records request to the following address.
City of Wells
Attention: Records Custodian
PO Box 20
Wells, Texas 75976
You may email your request to
Written Form
The written request must contain detailed information that is being requested. A public information request must be in writing to the governmental body you believe maintains the documents. However, your written request needs to be for information already in existence. A governmental body is not required to answer questions, perform legal research, or create new information in response to your public information request.
Good to Know
Please note that for a public information request to be valid, it must be submitted in writing to the City of Wells.
Copie Fees (Established by the Texas Attorney General)
Request 50 or fewer pages @ $.10 per page.
Request 51 or more pages will be charged the following:
Copies, # of pages @ $.10/page
Labor, # of hours @ $15.00/hour
Overhead, # of labor total $ @ $.20
If a governmental body estimates that charges will exceed $40.00, the governmental body is required to provide the requestor with a written itemized statement of estimated charges before any work is undertaken.
Please see the Texas Attorney Generals Public Information Act Handbook for more information.